Category Archives: announcements

introducing a new associate

Here is Vivian Peanut S—, who just came to live with me yesterday. I haven’t had much of a chance to photograph her yet, but I’m eager to introduce her to everyone so these will have to do.

IMG-20121125-02304I’ve been on a Scottish Fold rescue mailing list for the past three years or so, and my patience has finally been rewarded: In a somewhat unusual move, Vivian has given up the ocean views in her Connecticut home to become a New Yorker.


She’s mostly called Viv. Her middle name is a sort of tribute to my much-loved dog Vishnu, who died about a year ago, and was often called peanut.

Vivian and I have only just met but I can tell she’s intelligent and polite, and I hope we’re going to be good friends.

my new friend Vivian making herself at home

new thing

Mark E. Smith is surprised

The little project I mentioned in that last post is open to the public now: a new site, under my actual, real life name. I created it because I realized that the assorted reasons I had for blogging anonymously were no longer meaningful to me, and because I wanted a place where I could pull together the content from this blog, my food blog, and whatever other little projects I involve myself in. I briefly considered abandoning the two existing blogs and doing all my blogging over there, but it didn’t take long to decide against it: They have their distinct audiences, and I’m fine with that. What I’m going to do instead is cross-publish the content from both blogs over there, which I started doing with my last Lunar Camel Co. post. There may be some other, unrelated initiatives that take shape over there. Not sure yet.

Photo of surprised and delighted Mark E. Smith from Fuck Yeah, The Fall-uh!!!

up yr junction

My friends are DJing tomorrow (Thursday) at One Last Shag in Brooklyn. Sadly I won’t be there because I’m Doing Other Stuff, but I see no reason why you shouldn’t be there. The flyer says it’s a queer party but they don’t get into scraps with breeders or anything like that. If you request a shit song, however . . . look out!

up-the-junction flyer

Update: More info here.


zoological table d'hote

More about Night and Day magazine — and a zoological table d’hôte — over on my food blog.


weenie charmer

I got my blog-defibrillator out this afternoon and my poor old food blog — dormant for two years! — has been revived. It is now sitting up in its convalescent blog-bed, smiling sweetly, and asking for esoteric soups.